How To Double Your Way To A Million In 28 StepsThe Official Blog for the "My One Million Friends" WebsiteIf the truth be told I am not feeling very inspired to write lately. The most I have felt up to is to just post an update from time to time regarding how well the Double My Way To A Million Stake is coming along.
I found a couple of pennies while wandering around. I also made Fifty cents ($0.50) on the unused portion of money earning interest in the Brokerage Account.
If anyone is interested in a No Commission Brokerage firm this is the one I have been using:
The scenario is slowly growing with a few referrals even signing up. My total amount in that has grown to $8.52 . If anyone is interested in trying it out please sign up here:
I was also given an older model Radio Shack Micronta Discovery2 Metal Detector - Treasure Finder Catalog Number 63-3004 to use in searching for coins or other treasures for DTAMP. They didn't want it anymore and it was just taking up space so they gave it to me. I am not sure that it works yet because I do not have two Nine Volt batteries to test it out.
Also the Operating Manual was missing. If anyone has a copy or PDF, etc. of the Manual, and you are willing to help, please contact me by leaving a comment here or over at the Doubler's Den Forum. Thanks.
Here is a picture of the Metal Detector.

I use to have a more expensive metal detector many, many years ago. I remember one day while I was working at Radio Shack this guy came in and wanted to rent a Metal Detector. Of course Radio Shack didn't rent anything, and I don't think at that time Radio Shack even sold metal detectors of any kind, but I can't quite remember that. This was around 1978.
I didn't know why he wanted one and it came out during our conversation that I had my own personal metal detector at home.
He asked me if he could hire me for $25.00 to come and find something for him. I said sure and after my shift at Radio Shack I ran home and got my detector.
I then came back and met him. He was the owner or manager of a Carvel Ice Cream store and what had happened was that a wingnut had fallen off one of the mixers during the time they were making around 30 of those kind of expensive Ice Cream Cakes.
So this guy had around 30 cakes that he couldn't sell because there could be a wing nut in one of them. Prime lawsuit material for him should someone get a cake with a large wingnut in it.
So he asked me if I could search the cakes and find the wingnut. I asked him for a cardboard box and set it up and said alright now bring me a cake. I ran the detector over it and found nothing. They brought a second cake and sure enough "Ping!" or more like "Howwwllll with a high pitched squeel". The detector went off and they cut into the cake and there it was. The wingnut.
The guy was very thankful, paid me $25.00 and gave me the damaged cake which was very good by the way. It took me about 5 minutes to find it.
I also found someone's set of keys that were lost in a garden while the person was rototilling it. I did find some coins with it and other things over time as well but mostly it was a great tool for finding things people lost.
I am hopeful that it will find things to help me with DTAMP.
One final note the
My One Million Friends website is a Very Good site. In fact, utilizing the Gematriculator it has been determined to be a whopping 93% Good. Join Today!

Present Stake:
It is only "one" found penny.Regards,
This Doubling a penny to a million Blog is based upon the Doubling Strategy "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". The process of how to make a million doubling begins with a found penny. There is a learning curve if you doubled a penny all the way to (1,000,000 double). To "Double My Money" one cannot expect the process of 1 penny that doubles everyday. It takes time to double from one to one million dollars. However, the law of attraction and accumulation (to him who hath) works in your favor as your stake grows. Read more about Doubling and meet other Doublers at the Double Your Way to a Million Forum: "Doubler's Den" How to Double Your Way to a Million in 28 Steps
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan"For The Next Chronological Post Click Here"Labels: Brokerage, Carvel Ice Cream, Double to a Million, Metal Detector, Radio Shack, Zecco