Step 17 - FeedBurner:Feel The Burn
Subscribe Today and Feel the Burn
FeedBurner has been added to the Double To A Million Plan Blog. This will enable anyone reading to receive these posts by email or by a feed reader.
I created a new FeedBurner Logo as well.
Anyone is free to use the logo, if they wish, providing a link back to this Blog is presented recognizing the creator. For Example: (Feedburner Logo by Xinfinitum) or (Logo by X)
OK, lets say you want to subscribe, so you can get the updated "Double To A Million Plan" posts everytime they are published, right in the privacy of your own home.
You can get the FEED from DTAMP by simply clicking on the Flaming Logo. On the new page select your preferred Feed Reader, like Yahoo, NewsGator or Google to name a few. That is pretty much all there is to it. Well almost.
Some Blogs have these little orange icons on them . They represent RSS which means "Really Simple Syndication", generally speaking. What it means is you can get articles, pictures as well as other documentation from different websites, all sent to you via one program, a Feed Reader. There are many Free Feed Readers around from reputable sources.
If you still feel that all this mine as well be in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, let me point you to a few sources that might be able to explain it better than I could.
A good source of a simple explanation of RSS is provided by Stephanie Quilao. In her "How to Explain RSS the Oprah Way" she goes over it all pretty well.
Also try "FeedBurner - Feed 101" or "How to subscribe to and read RSS feeds with web-based feed readers"
Here is my Feed Address:
You can enter that address right into any Feed Reader you may get and you will receive my Blog Update.
There is another method to get the "Double To A Million Plan" Updates and that is via Email. It comes direct to you in a simple digest format, either HTML (with pictures) if you are set up for it, or as plain text (no pictures).
You have my personal "Gaaar-own-tee" that I will never sell, share or abuse you using your email address and rest assured you can unsubscribe whenever you desire.
Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
This Double Million Blog is based upon the Doubling Plan "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". It is an attempt to go from zero to over a million by finding a penny and then double it, over and over. Penny Doubling then Dollar Doubling, on and on to a Million Bucks.
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan
Labels: Email, Feedburner, Feeds, Logo, Subscription
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