Double To A Million Plan: November 2009

Double To A Million Plan

Double Your Way To A Million
Starting with Nothing, Ending with a Million Dollars.

Author: Xinfinitum

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Double A Penny - Step 20 - Rich Coast Dimes

How To Double Your Way To A Million In 28 Steps
DTAMP - Double To A Million Plan Blog

Early November has been busy for DTAMP. On the 4th a friend gave me two dimes ($0.20) that she found in the Airport on her vacation, in the country that ranks first in the Happy Planet Index. Costa Rica (literally translated "Rich Coast").

When she saw the dimes she immediately thought of my DTAMP project and brought them all the way from Central America to give to me to add to the stake. Now that is a dedicated DTAMP fan. :) Thank you!

DTAMP does have some dedicated fans and I am grateful for all of them!!!

I also made a stock trade and managed to make a profit on in Oil.

DTAMP Equities Plan Report:

11/06/09 - Buy - 245 shares of UCO @ $13.24 p/s - Total $3243.80
11/09/09 - Sold - 245 shares of UCO@ $13.89 p/s - Total $3403.05
Total ($159.25) - ($17.99) Fees = ($141.26)
Net Gain of (+4.34279)% in the Amount of ($141.26)

Today, I received a gift ($25.00) for DTAMP from a benefactor.

Thank you for your support.

Present Stake: $3492.68

Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
Slogan: As Simple As Finding A Penny.
Theme Song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping



This Double A Penny Blog is based upon the Doubling Method "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". Using the Doubling Rule it is an attempt to "Double Your Way to a Million" by going from one penny to a million dollars, starting from nothing. At the beginning you start by finding a penny and then double a penny until reaching $1,000,000.

Double Your Way To A Million
How to Double Your Way to a Million in 28 Steps
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Double A Penny - Step 20 - October Paralysis

How To Double Your Way To A Million In 28 Steps
DTAMP - Double To A Million Plan Blog

October was pretty much a month frozen in time for me. I have had bad experiences in the past with the month of October and Trading Stock so I refrained from trading.

As a result I missed a great move in Oil that could have made me, had everything gone perfectly about 50%. I got the signal but refused to move. I was paralyzed for the most part.

I decided that come November I would start to act and still have not. Oil has been jumping around and that would have lead to some good trades over the last two days. But still I just stare at the screen.

Thats OK.

I did manage to find a few bits of change for DTAMP over the month of October, but I haven't been going many places. My feet are not doing to well and I walk with a cane when they are at their worse, so looking for coins or searching for bottles and cans, has become a bit unenjoyable.

Something good came in the mail yesterday and that was a check from InBoxDollars for $28.50, which was nice. Inboxdollars is pretty easy to use. I just opened a mail account with Yahoo and had them send the emails there. I click on the advertisements every few days and when it builds to $30.00 I make a withdrawal.

Seems to be working well over the few years I have been doing it.

Present Stake: $3326.22

Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
Slogan: As Simple As Finding A Penny.
Theme Song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping



This Double A Penny Blog is based upon the Doubling Method "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". Using the Doubling Rule it is an attempt to "Double Your Way to a Million" by going from one penny to a million dollars, starting from nothing. At the beginning you start by finding a penny and then double a penny until reaching $1,000,000.

Double Your Way To A Million
How to Double Your Way to a Million in 28 Steps
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan

"For The Next Chronological Post Click Here"

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