Double To A Million Plan: Step 14 - The Rules RULE

Double To A Million Plan

Double Your Way To A Million
Starting with Nothing, Ending with a Million Dollars.

Author: Xinfinitum

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Step 14 - The Rules RULE

How To Double Your Way To A Million In 28 Steps

The Rules RULE!

I have learned some pretty profound lessons about myself and how I have looked at money and the consequences it has had as a result of attempting to follow the Double To A Million Plan.

It has been fun as well.

I will be writing soon something I have just seen about myself that has stopped me from being successful all my life and this Experiment has been an element in helping me to finally see it.

Regarding the Rules, there are a few of them that are a bit difficult to deal with, Rule # 4 being one of them. However, I believe that each of the rules is there for a reason and there is valuable insight and experience to be gained by abiding by each of them.

Lets say you are on Step Six ($0.16-$0.32) and you find a dollar bill on the street.

In this case you found the money and since you didn't need to do a trade or transaction to get the cash you are free to use that money to leap frog you up to Step Nine.

Rule # 1 on page (4) of the Free Report:

"How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps"

describes that - *Any money you find after the first penny can be added to the stake money. Example - find a Ten dollar note in the street immediately leapfrogs you to step 12.*

Rule # 4 does mean that any money that you gain through a transaction or trade that exceeds the completion of the Step you are on needs to be removed.

There may be some who do not like this idea and want to be able to use all the funds they get without removing any profit that exceeds the completion of the current Step. This is understandable seeing how difficult it can be to obtain those funds.

My first suggestion is to follow Rule Number 7 which is called (the most important rule) and that is "Don't worry about how you are going to manage a future doubling. Concentrate only on the current doubling."

I believe that also includes not thinking about anything to do with future Steps such as what happens if I make a lot more and have to pull the money out due to Rule #4. One of the primary lessons this plan wants to teach is to focus only on what is real and what is now. Thinking of the future is a distraction that only leads to doubt and anxiety.

It is probably highly unlikely that a scenario will occur that causes you to have to remove huge sums of money because you exceed the next step's starting point. Yet thinking about it can already cause distress. I am finding in order to have fun with this I must focus on the present and not allow myself to think about the possible future events.

Although some of the rules seem to be eccentric I am finding that they have deeper psychological meaning. There are lessons in each of them that are important in learning what success truly is.

Just making the decision to follow the rules as they are laid out, to the letter, has helped give me a predetermined, solid way of approaching this experiment. That foundation, that I can always rely on, the RULES, helps me to see when my own inner weaknesses cause me to bend my judgements and compromise my ethics. It clearly shows where I am weak and gives me something solid to come back to, to reset my standards.

One of the things I decided at the beginning of this was to do it as morally, ethically and within the frameworks of the rules to the extent it was humanly possible. Just doing this has taught me many things about myself. Also being absolute about following the Rules has added a flavor to the experiment that would have been missing had I been willing to compromise and pick and choose what I wanted.

The Sarge

The Rules are like a Platoon Sargent. They provide discipline and structure, even when you don't want it. They give a dependable framework to follow and clarify any points that may seem muddy or uncertain. The Rules are crucial in this experiment and in fact are so integral to the success of the project that it is my opinion that it may not be possible to reach the final goal without them.

Motto: It is only "one" found penny.



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Blogger richpeasant said...

Even Captain Kirk (William Shatner) had to follow rules. If he didn't, his star command would want to know why.

But if I find an object and sell it, I count it as found money.

Do less, think more.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:19:00 PM  
Blogger Xinfinitum said...

:-) The Captain was very disobedient sometimes.

The found object issue is sort of a gray area in the rules. It doesn't specify what to do about it and it can be interpreted in different ways.

My wife and I debated it for quite some time and she is of the same opinion as you. I went back and forth on it and finally went with what I felt I should do personally. I interpret the spirit of the rules to mean that a found object, once exchanged for money becomes a trade and is subject to Rule # 4. If I found a One dollar bill and exchanged it with someone for a Ten dollar bill that would be considered a trade even though I found the original money. I apply the same principal to a found object. However, the Rules do not clearly address found objects and each person should go by what they feel is right for them.

This Doubling Experiment is made up of many personal choices.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 2:01:00 PM  
Blogger richpeasant said...

One thing....

I call it a project, not an experiment (or a game) as some call it.

I know Stuart Goldsmith uses that word, but even he would probably admit project is a better word. And Captain Kirk would also, even tho he's 70 plus.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:33:00 PM  
Blogger Xinfinitum said...

project 1: a specific plan or design: scheme 2: a planned undertaking

experiment : a controlled procedure carried out to discover, test, or demonstrate something

I used the words:

experiment - 6 times
project - 4 times
game - 2 times

Since I set up my Blog with the Scientific or Experimental motif I will probably need to stick to that general pattern.

But I promise to use the word "Project" liberally. Capt. Kirk would have wanted it that way.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:59:00 PM  
Blogger Sillyman said...

Actually, I interpret rule #4 to mean that whenever a change of step occurs, whether backwards or forwards, and no matter how many extra steps extra money can take you, you round down to the nearest step. As in, if a trade takes you past a step entirely, (e.g. from #3 to #6), you are free to start from the highest applicable step (you don't have to take out money until you are at #4, just until you are at the start of #6).

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 5:35:00 PM  

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