Double To A Million Plan: December 2009

Double To A Million Plan

Double Your Way To A Million
Starting with Nothing, Ending with a Million Dollars.

Author: Xinfinitum

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Double A Penny - Step 20 - Tis The Season

How To Double Your Way To A Million In 28 Steps
DTAMP - Double To A Million Plan Blog

To Take A Beating. Bah! Humbug!

Oil spent most of the month coming down and so did the DTAMP stake. Almost every move I made this month with trading was bad. When you make one mistake, it is as if you get out of sync and everything you do after that just compounds on the mistake with additional ones.

It is hard to walk away but under those circumstances that is what you must do. I didn't.

In my last post I talked about wanting to get into SCO and not doing it. My gut said to do it. I disobeyed. SCO went up a long ways. I kept on trying to trade UCO even though my Inner Voice was saying walk away for a while. My outer voice (My Wife), was saying the same thing.

Did I listen...Noooo. When one gets into this state, it is almost like drowning. You are supposed to be calm, but instead you thrash around, taking down the person who is there to help you. Every trade I got into was just thrashing around. I needed to be still and calm, listen to the inner voice and not trade.

But I didn't do what I was supposed to and the DTAMP stake drowned in losses.

Here is the outcome and it was ugly:

DTAMP Equities Plan Report:

12/07/09 - Buy - 328 shares of UCO @ $11.999 p/s - Total $3935.67
12/08/09 - Sold - 328 shares of UCO @ $11.591 p/s - Total $3801.84
Total (-$133.82) - ($18.00) Fees = (-$151.82)
Net Gain of (-3.84879)% in the Amount of (-$151.82)

12/10/09 - Buy - 352 shares of UCO @ $10.789 p/s - Total $3797.73
12/10/09 - Sold - 352 shares of UCO @ $10.711 p/s - Total $3770.27
Total (-$27.46) - ($18.00) Fees = (-$45.46)
Net Gain of (-1.19422)% in the Amount of (-$45.46)

12/14/09 - Buy - 348 shares of UCO @ $10.769 p/s - Total $3747.61
12/15/09 - Sold - 348 shares of UCO @ $10.85 p/s - Total $3775.80
Total ($28.19) - ($18.00) Fees = ($10.19)
Net Gain of (+0.27126)% in the Amount of ($10.19)

Present Stake: $3795.64

Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
Slogan: As Simple As Finding A Penny.
Theme Song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping



This Double A Penny Blog is based upon the Doubling Method "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". Using the Doubling Rule it is an attempt to "Double Your Way to a Million" by going from one penny to a million dollars, starting from nothing. At the beginning you start by finding a penny and then double a penny until reaching $1,000,000.

Double Your Way To A Million
How to Double Your Way to a Million in 28 Steps
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan

"For The Next Chronological Post Click Here"

Friday, December 04, 2009

Double A Penny - Step 20 - Unemployment Makes Money

How To Double Your Way To A Million In 28 Steps
DTAMP - Double To A Million Plan Blog

I got into an Oil trade (UCO) yesterday, December 3rd, with the DTAMP stake. I had some money made, but wasn't sure at one point, when UCO was hitting its high of the day, whether to stay in or sell.

I decided to hold on. But an announcement came out on CNBC, proclaiming something to the affect that the White House was saying that the unemployment rate was going to stay over 10% for a awhile. The reporter Steve Liesman said it was an unprecedented announcement the day before the official unemployment report was to come out.

My roughly $100.00 profit in UCO went to a negative shortly after that as Oil dropped the rest of the day.

I held on because I felt oil still had some upside to it, eventually. Today the Non-Farms Payrolls report came out and it had dropped from 10.2% to 10.0% .

Oil (UCO) jumped up and the trade turned into a profit. I sold it at $13.09 . After that UCO tanked and is presently sitting at $12.63 and dropping. When I sold it I was sitting here feeling like I should buy SCO, which is the equivalent of shorting Oil at $13.40 and now it up to $13.95 and climbing.

This is the run down of the winning trade.

DTAMP Equities Plan Report:

12/03/09 - Buy - 300 shares of UCO @ $12.50 p/s - Total $3750.00
12/04/09 - Sold - 300 shares of UCO @ $13.09 p/s - Total $3927.00
Total ($177.00) - ($18.01) Fees = ($158.99)
Net Gain of (+4.22964)% in the Amount of ($158.99)

Present Stake: $3982.73

Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
Slogan: As Simple As Finding A Penny.
Theme Song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping



This Double A Penny Blog is based upon the Doubling Method "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". Using the Doubling Rule it is an attempt to "Double Your Way to a Million" by going from one penny to a million dollars, starting from nothing. At the beginning you start by finding a penny and then double a penny until reaching $1,000,000.

Double Your Way To A Million
How to Double Your Way to a Million in 28 Steps
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan

"For The Next Chronological Post Click Here"

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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Double A Penny - Step 20 - Four Trade Month

How To Double Your Way To A Million In 28 Steps
DTAMP - Double To A Million Plan Blog

November was a good month for the Double to a Million Plan - DTAMP.

Four trades in Oil were made that all were profitable. Phew!

DTAMP started the month at $3297.72 and ended the month at $3823.74 which was a 15.951% gain. I would love to see that kind of gain every month but I must be realistic.

Most of the gains in trading was made during the Thanksgiving week. I got out of one trade on Wednesday, Thursday was Thanksgiving, and got back in on Friday with another trade.

On Thanksgiving day was when the Dubai announcement came which caused oil to plunge. On friday morning I jumped in. Got out a little to soon though as oil continued to climb and has climbed since then. But a profit is a profit and I won't much.

There is only $1176.26 left to go to reach Step 21.

Present Stake: $3823.74

Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
Slogan: As Simple As Finding A Penny.
Theme Song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping



This Double A Penny Blog is based upon the Doubling Method "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". Using the Doubling Rule it is an attempt to "Double Your Way to a Million" by going from one penny to a million dollars, starting from nothing. At the beginning you start by finding a penny and then double a penny until reaching $1,000,000.

Double Your Way To A Million
How to Double Your Way to a Million in 28 Steps
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan

"For The Next Chronological Post Click Here"