Double To A Million - Step 18 - Market Reversal
I have made a second trade utilizing all the available funds from the DTAMP stake with a Mutual Fund that emulates two times the Russell 2000 Index.
This trade went fairly well as I basically got in at the lowest possible point before the Market turned. Trading a Mutual Fund has advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantage is that in order to get in you must place your order before 3:35pm EST to get filled and you must make the right choice the day before the Market is going to turn in your direction.
You cannot come in the next morning and get a position if you see things turning as you can with stocks etc.
Current Status:
Cash - $603.66
Penny Stocks - $51.00
Total - $654.66
I made a trade using $603.64 , sometimes the Mutual Funds amounts do not match perfectly to what I am trying to get.
Date: 08/15/2007
Quantity: 21.667 Shares
Price: $27.86
Amount: $603.64
Date: 08/17/2007
Quantity: 21.667 Shares
Price: $30.35
Amount: $657.59
Profit: $53.95 +8.93745%
This trade lasted only two day but with the Markets being as volatile as they have lately, being in for any length of time can be dangerous and nerve wracking if you are trading short term.
What I am attempting to do is take smaller percentage gains and accumulate them over time. If there is a profit, when in doubt take it out.
I was looking for maybe 2 to 3% gain on the average each trade but this trade made +8.93745% which was outstanding.
Adding the +8.93745% with the previous +0.9956% gives a total so far of +9.93305% gain in 17 days.
This is far beyond what I had hoped and I am not expecting to continue on that rate of increase.
So far this trading attempt has yielded $59.90 towards the Double Your Way To a Million Stake.
Present Stake: $708.61
Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
Slogan: As Simple As Finding A Penny.
This Doubling Blog is based upon the Doubling Plan "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". It is an attempt to "Double Your Way to a Million" by going from one penny to one million dollars, starting from nothing. At the beginning you start by finding a penny and then double a penny until reaching $1,000,000.
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan