Double To A Million - Step 17 - Completed
I received another payment for the work on the Creative Connections website for $89.85 which has helped me complete Step 17. I am now starting on Step 18 to go from $640.00 to $1280.00 .
You can visit the Creative Connections website at
There have been a new arrival in the world of Doubling To A Million. Check out his blog.
Don't forget to visit:
Now onto Step 18.......
Present Stake: $640.00
Motto: It is only "one" found penny.
Slogan: As Simple As Finding A Penny.
This Doubling Blog is based upon the Doubling Plan "How to Double Your Way to a £Million in 28 Steps". It is an attempt to "Double Your Way to a Million" by going from one penny to one million dollars, starting from nothing. At the beginning you start by finding a penny and then double a penny until reaching $1,000,000.
D.T.A.M.P. - Double To A Million Plan
Labels: Creative Connections, Doubler's Den, More Turf